JUDICIARY Latest Features

17th Annual Judges Conference
The High Court Building

The Annual Judges Conference, 2015 will begin on Sunday the 23 February to Thursday 26 February, 2015. The Conference will be held at the\r\nImperial Golf View Hotel in Entebbe under the theme "The Role of Judiciary in Accelerating\r\nthe Transformation of Uganda’s Economy.”


The\r\nobjectives of conference are:-


·To carry out a stock taking of the performance\r\nof the Judiciary

· To show case reforms currently being\r\nimplemented in the Judiciary, which have a direct bearing on the transformation\r\nof the economy.

· To identify key reforms to reduce the cost of\r\naccessing justice and doing business in Uganda.

·  To identify and agree on reforms in the\r\nJudiciary to improve Uganda’s global competitiveness.


A number\r\nof dignitaries are expected to attend the conference.


Please\r\nfind the detailed program here.

Posted 20th, February 2015
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